View all 5 columnsFood insecurity in Tunisia during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
Business and productivity
View all 67 columnsReformed foreign ownership rules in UAE: the impact on business entry
Self-employment in MENA: the role of religiosity and personal values
Gender differences in business record-keeping and planning in Iraq
Climate change
View all 27 columnsGreen hydrogen production and exports: could MENA countries lead the way?
Climate change threats and how the Arab countries should respond
EU climate policy: potential effects on the exports of Arab countries
Competition policy
View all 10 columnsReformed foreign ownership rules in UAE: the impact on business entry
A Sherman Act-like moment is needed in Africa and the Middle East
Conflict and instability
View all 57 columnsConflict and debt in the Middle East and North Africa
Economic geography
View all 9 columnsSudan’s labour market: new data in turbulent times
The geography of innovation: evidence from regions in Turkey
Has international migration reduced internal migration in Egypt?