Hassan F. Gholipour
Economic roots of early marriage in Iran
Gender differences in business record-keeping and planning in Iraq
Egypt and Iraq: amenities, environmental quality and taste for revolution
Air pollution and internal migration in Iran
Experiencing the Iran-Iraq war: effects on later life views on defence
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Sherine Farouk Ghoneim
The Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for policy in MENA
Rethinking inequality in Arab countries: the latest research evidence
Knowledge, research networks and development policy: the ERF at 25
Improving the economic policy debate in the MENA region
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Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim
Participation of Arab countries in global value chains
The future of regionalism in the Arab world: a political economy view
EU climate policy: potential effects on the exports of Arab countries
Should Arab countries join the WTO’s agreement on government procurement?
Can a free trade area in services boost trade within the Arab region?
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