Sustainability of GCC development under the new global oil order
It is now a widely held view that the price of oil will eventually be converging to a lower long-term ...

Self-selection of emigrants by cultural traits: MENA evidence
What are the relationships between people’s cultural traits and their aspirations to emigrate? This column explores whether emigrants from countries ...

MENA Generation 2030: Prospects for a demographic dividend
UNICEF’s new report, MENA Generation 2030, focuses on ‘investing in children and youth today to secure a prosperous region tomorrow’. ...

Palestinians working in Israel: the impact on West Bank food security
Employment of Palestinians in Israel is one of the special features of the labour markets in the West Bank. But ...

Exports and innovation in the MENA region: when skills matter
Firms that want to start exporting have to be able to innovate and upgrade their use of technology in the ...

Africa youth leadership: building local leaders to solve global challenges
Accountable leadership is one of the biggest challenges to development in Africa. This Brookings column argues that the young people ...

The economic and social transformation of the Middle East and North Africa
The crises that began with the Arab revolts signal the urgent need for economic and social transformation in the Middle ...

Recent financial and debt crises: is the MENA region immune?
How vulnerable is the MENA region to a ‘sudden stop’ in capital inflows and the potential for associated financial and ...