Tunisia’s experiences with industrial policy and export diversification
What has been the role of industrial policy in Tunisia’s export diversification of the past 25 years? This column reports ...

A stability mechanism for the Gulf countries
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates face the dual shock of the pandemic and the ...

Taxation in MENA: composition, trends and policy options
Governments in the Middle East and North Africa face great uncertainty in estimating the ramifications of the pandemic for their ...

Tourism in MENA after Covid-19: from shock to structural transformation
Covid-19 is likely to result in profound changes to the attitudes, concerns and travel preferences of tourists. This column argues ...

Economic consequences of Covid-19: a counterfactual multi-country analysis
The Covid-19 pandemic poses formidable challenges to policy-makers and to the empirical analysis of its effects within the interconnected global ...

The impact of Covid-19 on the tourism sector in MENA
Following the big fall in international tourist arrivals in the Middle East and North Africa early in the pandemic, some ...

External debt vulnerability in the time of Covid-19
Covid-19 is threatening emerging markets and developing economies in multiple ways. As this column explains, these countries are even more ...

Late-movers outperform first-movers in export markets
The relationship between first-movers and late-movers in export markets has important policy implications. First-movers need to be productive enough to ...