Arab countries are caught in an inequality trap
Conventional wisdom, based mainly on surveyed household income distribution statistics, suggests that inequality is generally low in Arab countries. At ...

How Egyptian households cope with shocks: new evidence
Managing risks and reducing vulnerability to economic, social, environmental and health shocks enhances the wellbeing of households and encourages investment ...

Has international migration reduced internal migration in Egypt?
Urbanisation is key for economic development, yet Egypt has been lagging behind most other North African countries in this respect ...

Supporting women’s livelihoods in Egypt: opportunities and challenges
Despite the rising educational attainment of women in Egypt, their employment has declined over time and many face multiple constraints ...

The Egyptian economy is still not creating good jobs
Growth in Egypt has recovered substantially since the downturn following the global financial crisis and the political instability following the ...

Labour supply in Egypt: untapped potential
Labour force participation has decreased for both men and women in Egypt. This column reports the latest data, noting that ...

The future of Egypt’s population: opportunities and challenges
Egypt’s potential labour supply depends on the growth and changing composition of its working-age population. This column reports the latest ...

Healthcare system efficiency in MENA countries
How efficient are healthcare systems in the Middle East and North Africa in terms of their use of resources and ...