How COVID-19 could shape a new world order
The COVID-19 pandemic is a massive shock to the world economy and its impact will be wide-ranging across all domains ...

Dutch disease, developing oil-exporting countries and Iraq’s exchange rate
It is sometimes suggested that the Iraqi economy is similar to that of the Netherlands after the discovery of extensive ...

COVID-19 pandemic and the Middle East and Central Asia
The number of confirmed COVID-19 pandemic in the Middle East and Central Asia began rising sharply in late February. At ...

Elections and economic cycles: evidence from Turkey’s recent experiences
It has long been understood that incumbent politicians are likely to have incentives to manipulate fiscal policy around election times ...

Countermeasures for the COVID-19 outbreak in Egypt
The COVID-19 outbreak interrupts a remarkable but short-lived improvement in Egypt’s economic performance following the implementation of recent reforms supported ...

Lebanon’s economic crisis: how to avoid a ‘lost decade’
An independent group of development specialists, economists and finance experts met in Beirut in late December to discuss Lebanon’s economic ...

Oil price wars in a time of COVID-19
A combination of supply and demand shocks has sent oil prices plunging and financial markets tumbling. This column argues that ...

Tackling tax evasion: how an obscure statistical law can help
Benford’s law – which suggests that the leading digits in various types of numerical data are not uniformly distributed – ...