Jordan’s labour market: new inputs for informed policy-making
The labour market in Jordan has deteriorated since 2010: informality and irregular employment have increased; the recent social security reform ...

The new normal in the global economy: challenges for MENA
ERF’s annual conference has become the premier regional event for economists of the Middle East. This column previews the 2018 ...

Selling hope without reward: youth unemployment in Egypt
Many young educated Egyptians face difficulties locating secure employment that matches their skill levels and provides a solid foundation for ...

Prospects for a closely integrated Euro-Arab Mediterranean region
The Euro-Med partnership of over 40 countries aims for closer integration of the region, fostering the development and stability of ...

Syrian refugees in Jordan: educational enrolment and progress
School enrolment for Syrian refugees in Jordan has been disrupted due to conflict and displacement. This column reports that despite ...

Syrian refugees in Jordan: healthcare and food security
Ensuring the health and food security of the 1.3 million Syrians seeking refuge in Jordan is critical for protecting this ...

How has Jordan been affected by the Syrian refugee influx?
Since 2011, Jordan has been buffeted by powerful external forces related to the political situation in neighbouring countries, not least ...

Syrian refugees: limited participation in Jordan’s labour force
Syrian refugees in Jordan have been able to work legally with permits since 2016, yet their labour force participation remains ...