Subsidy reforms and social justice: lessons from Egypt
For institutional and historical reasons, countries of the Middle East and North Africa have relied mostly on consumption subsidies for ...

Time to rethink inequality in Arab states
There are many gaps in our understanding of trends in both money metric inequality and multidimensional inequality in Arab states. ...

Iran: the nuclear deal, currency depreciation and inflation
Iran’s currency has once again fallen against the dollar following the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal. This column explores ...

A moonshot for MENA: laying the groundwork for a modern digital economy
A new economic reality is needed in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This column proposes a ‘moonshot’, which, ...

Local winners and losers in Erdoğan’s Turkey
Throughout the 2000s, Turkey was portrayed as a model of social and economic success for other countries in the MENA ...

Measuring economic destruction in Syria from outer space
How is Syria’s civil conflict affecting the economy? This column analyses data on night-light intensity measured by satellites to assess ...

Poverty reduction efforts in Iran: the wrecking force of inflation
- Ali Enami and
- Nora Lustig
Iran’s universal cash transfer (UCT) programme plays an important role in fighting poverty. But as this column shows, its real ...

Liberalising road transport markets between Turkey and Europe
The routes that connect Turkey to its most important trading partners in Europe are governed by a system of road ...