The dilemma of public debt in Lebanon
Lebanon’s strategy of pursuing long-term fiscal sustainability at the cost of short-term macroeconomic stability, which has dominated for over two ...

Who can work from home in MENA?
Which jobs can be done from home, who does them and how prevalent are they in different countries? This column ...

Sudan and the pandemic: reforms for a vulnerable economy
Sudan’s economy was in a fragile state even before Covid-19 and the lockdown measures implemented to control the virus. This ...

Measuring monetary poverty in MENA: data gaps and how to address them
As key statistical sources for measuring monetary poverty, household budget surveys are crucial for designing public policies and tracking development ...

Covid-19: forging a new social contract in the Middle East and North Africa
The dual shock of Covid-19 and falling oil prices has brought to light the underlying flaws of economies in the ...

Phone surveys alone will not address the Covid-19 data gap in MENA
To respond effectively to the Covid-19 crisis, decision-makers need timely and relevant information. This column discusses the value of phone ...

Daily commuters in Egypt during the Covid-19 pandemic
In an attempt to control the spread of Covid-19, Egypt’s government has implemented social distancing measures that have a particularly ...

Refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt in the time of Covid-19
The many refugees and asylum-seekers in Egypt were facing numerous challenges of integration and access to work even before the ...