Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Ageing and pensions coverage in Arab countries

Arab countries experiencing economic and humanitarian crises are paying insufficient attention to the demographic trend of ageing populations. This column ...

How to diversify oil-producing economies

Many oil- and gas-rich countries have either announced or put in place policies to reduce their dependence on oil by ...

Replace discretion with rules to boost economic performance

A government that adopts institutional reform to increase policy credibility and enhance the degree of competition may be rewarded with ...

Low social and political returns to education in the Arab world

Arab societies urgently need to start looking at how to improve education systems, not just in ways to improve the ...

Better measures of the health of Egypt’s labour market

Policy discussions about the health of Egypt’s labour market focus almost exclusively on one indicator: the unemployment rate. This column ...

Unemployment and the marginally attached

While the standard definition of unemployment is useful for international comparisons, it may not be adequate for assessing the degree ...

Brain gain from return migration: evidence from Egypt

Far from causing ‘brain drain’ in the developing world, temporary migration can lead to a ‘brain gain’ for the sending ...

A new exchange rate regime for oil-exporting countries

Currency pegs in the Gulf economies have forced monetary policy to be pro-cyclical, exacerbating the effects of swings in the ...