Recognising and redistributing unpaid care work in Egypt
Countries like Egypt with significant gender imbalances in unpaid work typically have low female labour force participation. As this column ...

The impact of Covid-19 on labour markets: evidence from Morocco and Tunisia
How is the Covid-19 crisis affecting jobs and business in the MENA region? This column reports evidence from mobile phone ...

After the Arab uprisings: reconstruction, peace and democratic change
Any post-uprisings transformation leading to lasting national peace in Arab countries will be conditional on laying the foundations for inclusive ...

Multidimensional poverty in Algeria
Measures of multidimensional poverty reflect a number of different kinds of deprivation: education; health; living conditions; employment; and financial inclusion. ...

Cooperation and recovery in the Middle East and Central Asia
The road to post-pandemic recovery for the Middle East and Central Asia will hinge on Covid-19 containment measures, access to ...

Ministerial rotations and effective government in Lebanon
Possible solutions to Lebanon’s multiple crises are well known. But as this column explains, while the necessary technical approaches and ...

A Sherman Act-like moment is needed in Africa and the Middle East
With the population of Africa and the Middle East set to double by 2050, efforts to ‘demonopolise’ the economies of ...

How can the Biden administration help improve MENA’s economic prospects?
President Biden’s administration will face a number of major challenges in the Middle East over the next four years, from ...